Rewilding Wheel Seven Directions Prayer
/Rewilding wheel mandala created by rewilding retreat participant Lisa decker
The Blessing to the Four Directions has its roots in Native American culture. It is centered on the belief that human beings are tied to all things in nature. It is this belief which assigned virtues to the four cardinal directions; East, South, West and North. When one prays to the four directions, it is a way to call in Spirit through the unique energies of the directions. It is also a prayer that is resonate with the Celtic Caim Prayer, or the encircling prayer. This is a way of praying that calls in Sacred Presence all around one, and literally asks for Spirit to be present at the front, back, sides—even above and below—of an individual. It is a prayer of protection and sets the expectation that Creator God will be present as both a shield of protection, and the intention that one will now move through the day in a sacred rhythm.
The Seven Directions Prayer includes the directions of up (Cosmos), down (Earth), and within (Soulscape). This expands the prayerful imagination to include the universal principals of diversity, particularity, interiority, and communion. It honors the indigenous tradition of knowing that God’s presence is as diverse and particular as the directions, and invites the supplicant to ground their prayers in a place. The Rewilding Wheel Seven Directions Prayer weaves in the corresponding sacred energies of the elements, the seasons, and one’s emplacement within a sacred bioregion. It is a prayer that honors the rhythm of our days, the sacredness found within the seasons, and how that is reflected through our life’s journey. It also provides a way to speak an authentic land acknowledgment, honoring with the respect the traditional tribal lands upon which we live.
When I lead other through this embodied prayer, we take the posture that one would use with the Caim Prayer. With right arm extended, the forefinger is pointed to the specified direction. This gesture indicates the intentional acknowledgment of the direction as well as begins the drawing of the circle of protection and intention. As one turns to the next direction, the right arm and forefinger remain extended symbolically drawing the sacred energies around oneself. This is a wonderful prayer to use to open a personal ritual or community ceremony. Please change the land acknowledgment within the direction of “Down/Earth” to reflect the traditional lands upon which you live.
We turn to the East, the direction of the rising sun, new beginnings, Spring Time and the element of Fire. We thank you Sacred Mystery for how you are revealed through the wild mercy of every morning, when the sun, our guiding light, warming fire, and inspiration for a new day rises yet again. And we acknowledge the shadow side of fire as it can cause destruction; our prayers and activism are with and behind those whose lives—human and more than human alike—are being impacted by forest fires even today. We bow to the East in gratitude and honor for this new day, and all the wisdom within this eastern direction.
We turn to the South, the direction of the powerful sun in its full force, growing awareness, summer time and the element of the warming and fecund earth. We thank you Sacred Mystery for how you are revealed through Earth, the primary incarnation, the place from which life is seeded and grown. We bow to the South in gratitude and honor for the work of this day, the particular purpose for which we each have been created, and all the wisdom within this southern direction.
We turn to the West, the direction of the setting sun, courage and introspection, becoming and belonging, autumn and the element of water. We thank you Sacred Mystery for how you are revealed through the watershed, seeing how we too are meant to be held within the flow of the essence of life. We bow to the West in gratitude and honor for another day well-lived, and as the sun sets below the horizon, and yellowed leaves fall to Earth, we lean into the grace and wisdom of what is for us when we let go and allow ourselves to be in the Flow.
We turn to the North, the direction of the sun at its coldest (and darkest), sage knowing of the elders, winter time, and the element of Air. We thank you Sacred Mystery for how you are revealed through air, breath, and wind—that you blow wisdom through the winter-time air like a generational seed, that will become planted in the coming months of spring. We bow to the North in gratitude and honor for the cover and quiet of night, for the inspiration of dreams, and for the much-needed sacred rhythm of dormancy and dark.
We reach to the cosmos, the home of the planets, stars, and galaxies; the creative cosmic reach of the Divine Spirit who flared all things forth. We thank you Sacred Mystery for how you are revealed through the principles of the universe: diversity, interiority and communion. We expand our reach upwards remembering and reclaiming our at-oneness- with all beings —in the sacred community of expansive life.
We reach down to Earth, the holy humus from which all planetary life is derived. Here we humbly acknowledge the sacramentality and revelatory nature of our planet. Here we acknowledge that we are each guests upon the lands of host peoples, indigenous communities who have been living upon these various lands for time memorial. I acknowledge that I live and work upon the unceded territory of the Duwamish people, a people who have been here, are here, and will continue into the future with their wisdom and worldviews —may that our presence of acknowledgment and gratitude be an honor to these host people. We thank you Sacred Mystery for Earth’s energy and nourishment for the plants, trees, animals, and humans. We acknowledge the inherent dignity of all beings and the divine presence that is made manifest through Earth and all her regulating systems. We bow to the ensouled Earth in gratitude and reciprocity.
Soulscape | Heart
We place our hands on our hearts, honoring the divine spark in our core, the presence of the holy within that honors the holy throughout. We thank you Sacred Mystery for your light, power, wisdom and guidance that you placed within each of us.