Wildwood Sisterhood | a modern mystery school for women

A 12 Month Companionship with the Earth’s Rhythms through
Sacred Phenology, Applied Mythology, Eco-Spirituality, and the Power of the Feminine Circle

Step into the Wildwood Sisterhood, where the forest becomes a sanctuary for your deepest self. Like the Handless Maiden in the Grimm's tale, who found healing and strength among a circle of women in the woods, we gather in this sacred space to reconnect with our inner essence and restore the parts of ourselves that have been cut off. In the heart of the Wildwood is a Hut, where we seek and find communion with ourselves, the Sacred, and the mysteries of the natural world.

Join us in this journey of sisterhood, where, through solitude and togetherness, we mirror the ancient paths of mystics who found the Divine in the embrace of nature. Here, among the trees, we will recover our truest selves and nurture the wild, untamed spirit that resides within each of us. Here, we will grow back our hands.

If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence
we could rise up rooted,
like trees.
— Rainer Maria Rilke

Embark on a transformative 12-month journey within the Wildwood Sisterhood Mystery School, where each month we gather to explore the sacred mysteries and wild rhythms of the Earth. Our gatherings are more than mere meetings; they are rituals rooted in the cyclical wisdom of nature, guiding us through the profound shifts that occur as we move through the seasons within our bioregions. These sessions are an invitation to re-wild our lives and souls, reconnecting with the ancient stories and seasonal wisdom that speak to the heart of our beings.

We will meet on the following 2025 First-Thursday dates from 11:30am-1:00pm PST: January 9, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 8*, June 5, July 1*, August 7, September 4, October 2, November 6, December 4. 
*May and July sessions meet on different dates due to other Waymarkers' program commitments. 

  • Our journey is held within the embrace of a nurturing sisterhood circle—a contemporary haven akin to the "hut in the woods" from the German fairy tale "The Handless Maiden." Here, like the tale’s heroine who found healing through the guidance of mystical Wood Sisters, we support one another through the trials and triumphs of self-discovery and empowerment. This sisterhood is a sanctuary where we share our experiences, weave our stories, and support each other in the deep work of recovery, restoration, and spiritual awakening.

    This circle is held by Wildwood Sisterhood teacher and facilitator, Mary DeJong.

    Monthly sessions are 90 minutes in length and are held virtually over Zoom.

  • Inspired by the Mystery Schools of ancient Greece and Rome, the Wildwood Sisterhood offers a space for spiritual initiation that transcends the intellectual and practical approaches of modern life. We delve into the mystical and applicable truths embedded in the fabric of mythical stories and the wild cadence of nature. Our school is not a rigid system or organization (you will not be receiving a certificate of completion), but a living, breathing circle of companions committed to eco-spiritual awakening. Here, we honor the many expressions of the Divine, drawing inspiration from the rhythms, stories, and spirits of the Earth.

    The Wildwood Sisterhood is a modern expression of Mystery Schools. While our temple may be virtual, we will endeavor to foster Socratic conditions where lessons and longings are held in tandem as seeds, planting them within our inner-nature and allowing community and conversation to help them grow.

    The Hut, our on-line resource space, will offer monthly reflections guided by the wisdom of nature's seasonal expression; personal myth prompts that will help one develop their own sacred story; and rituals to honor the calendar of the Earth.

    A bit more on Mystery Schools...

    A Mystery School is an ancient institution or tradition focused on the exploration of spiritual, mystical, and esoteric knowledge. These schools offer teachings and practices that are considered "mysteries" because they delve into the hidden or inner aspects of life and the universe—truths that go beyond the ordinary and Western understanding of reality.

    The Wildwood Sisterhood Mystery School seeks to unveil the wisdom that is contained within stories, the strata of the land, and the particularities of the seasons. We aim to reawaken and reconnect to the sacred guidance that is mirrored and modeled through the natural and storied world.

    Key Aspects of a Mystery School:

    1. Spiritual Initiation: Mystery Schools often involve initiation rites, which symbolize the transition from ordinary awareness to a deeper, more profound spiritual understanding. Initiates are gradually introduced to sacred knowledge that is not readily available to the public. A rite is essentially a ritual that moves one into a sacramental and/or enchanted worldview. Through the use of stories, and personal and collective earth-based rituals, we do the work together to shift our consciousness and spiritual life into one that is profoundly ecological and enstoried.

    2. Esoteric Teachings: The teachings of Mystery Schools are usually esoteric, meaning they are meant to be understood only by a select group of people who are spiritually prepared. These teachings often include meditation, rituals, symbolism, and the study of ancient texts.

      While this may be true of mystery schools of old, the Wildwood Sisterhood Mystery School's framework is truly accessible to everyone. Eco-theology and Spiritual Ecology undergird the teachings, both modalities informing a profound sense of collective and mutual belonging, as well as an understanding that we are all nature. The communal lens makes this not so much esoteric, but understandably outside of the modern Western worldview.

    3. Ritual and Ceremony: Rituals and ceremonies are central to Mystery Schools. These practices are designed to help initiates experience spiritual realities directly, often involving symbolic acts that represent deeper truths about the cosmos and the self.

    4. Myth and Symbolism: Mystery Schools use myths and symbols to convey spiritual truths. These stories and images are not just metaphorical but are seen as gateways to understanding the deeper aspects of existence. Our use of story and myth comes through Applied Mythology and a narrative psychology approach.

    5. Transformation: The ultimate goal of a Mystery School is the transformation of the individual. Through the teachings and practices, initiates are guided towards enlightenment, self-realization, or a higher state of consciousness.

    Modern Interpretations:

    Today, the term "Mystery School" is sometimes used to describe spiritual or esoteric groups that carry on the tradition of teaching hidden or sacred knowledge. These modern Mystery Schools often blend ancient wisdom with contemporary spiritual practices, aiming to guide participants towards personal and spiritual transformation.

    In essence, a Mystery School is a place of profound learning and spiritual growth, where initiates explore the deeper mysteries of life and the universe in a structured, often ritualistic, environment.

  • Through rituals, mysticism, and myth, we embrace the deep, cyclical wisdom of nature to enrich our lives and souls. Each season offers its own unique teachings—whether it be the fertile creativity of spring, the full bloom of summer, the harvest of autumn, or the introspective rest of winter. As we move through these sacred seasons, we allow the Earth’s natural rhythms to guide us in our personal and collective journeys, cultivating a deeper connection to the more-than-human world.

    This practice of sacred phenology invites a feeling of profound emplacement, while also providing a mirroring application of sensing into the seasons of our own inner-nature. Students will come through the year with a deeper sense of self and meant-for-ness as a result of attuning to the sacred particularities of place as expressed through bioregional seasonality.

  • The Wildwood Sisterhood Mystery School is a sanctuary for unconventional inner exploration, echoing the solitude sought by religious mystics who found communion with the divine in nature. Our approach is grounded in eco-spirituality, recognizing the natural world as a vital source of wisdom and connection. As we gather in this sacred space, we awaken to the profound truths that lie within and around us, supported by a community of like-minded women who are committed to walking this path of spiritual awakening and transformation.

    In addition to the school's monthly session, participants will have four scheduled and seasonal 1:1 sessions (60 minutes) with Mary DeJong. Similar to a Wild Soul Guidance session, this one-on-one time allows for a personal deepening into course material; guided reflection; and purposeful mirroring.

Join us in this sacred circle, where the wild, the mystical, and the deeply personal intertwine, offering a journey of soulful discovery, emplaced empowerment, and feminine connection that will resonate in the depths of your soul.

Registration will remain open until all spots are full. A second cohort may be considered to accommodate an anticipated waitlist.

Talk of mysteries! Think of our life in nature, daily to be shown matter, to come in contact with it, rocks, trees, wind on our cheeks! The solid earth! The actual world! The common sense! Contact! Contact! Who are we? Where are we?
— Thoreau, 1864

The Wildwood Sisterhood mystery school may be for you if…

  • you yearn to harmonize your spiritual practices with the sacred rhythms of the seasons;

  • you seek a profound intimacy between your soul and the soul of the world;

  • you crave a mythopoetic and enstoried way of living;

  • you wish to cultivate a community rooted in mystical and spiritual connection;

  • you are ready to embark on a transformative journey that will heal, restore, and deepen your relationship within the wild and wonder-filled world.


During our monthly gatherings, we immerse ourselves in the living myths and stories of the Earth, exploring seasonal archetypal themes and drawing from nature's imagery as a mirror for our inner and outer landscapes. In the warmth of our kind and loving community, we seek to attune ourselves to the rhythms of the natural world and the wisdom of the wild. Together, we pursue the age-old question explored in the mystery schools: “Who Am I and Why Am I Here?” The unique answers we find may lead us to a profound sacred eco-awakening, as timeless and relevant today as it was in the sacred temples of Egypt.

Our practices are rooted in eco-spirituality and eco-mysticism, designed to deepen our connection with the Earth and with one another. We engage in eco-somatic awareness, mythopoetic expression, and imaginal work, weaving together writing, ritual, and contemplative practices to align our souls with the cycles of nature.

Each gathering begins with a grounding meditation, inviting us to attune to the breath of life and the presence of the Sacred within and around us, allowing time to arrive fully and co-create a sacred space. We conclude with a closing meditation, anchoring the insights and energies we've cultivated.

Our time together is a dynamic blend of creating a container for deep work, storytelling, teaching, open discussion, Council, and collaborative exploration. Guided by the wisdom of the Earth and the myths that speak to our souls, we engage in practices that resonate with the themes emerging for each of us, with the aim of connecting with Divine Mystery so that we may truly, “Know Thyself!”

At the center of your being
you have the answer;
you know who you are
and you know what you want.
— Lao Tzu

Introducing The Hut—an exclusive online sanctuary within the Wildwood Sisterhood, inspired by the transformative space of the Wood Sisters in the tale of The Handless Maiden. Much like its mythical counterpart, The Hut serves as your personal refuge and resource for reflection, growth, and spiritual insight.

Within The Hut, you’ll enjoy access to:

  • Seasonal Guides to harmonize your practices with the earth's natural rhythms.

  • Monthly Reflective Prompts to spark inner exploration and self-discovery.

  • Rituals and Resources designed to nurture your personal transformation.

The Hut is your personal sacred space for connecting with the wild, weaving together nourishment, inspiration, and the shared journey of the Wildwood Sisterhood.

Truly feeling and giving voice to the affective significance and meaning of our bond with the earth may be a crucial basis for action to restore the earth and a sustainable life worth living.
— Barbara Holifield

Step into the Wildwood Sisterhood and awaken the ancient, untamed wisdom within, where your soul’s story intertwines with the sacred rhythms of the Earth.


Mary DeJong is a trained ecotheologian, spiritual ecologist, eco-spiritual companion and spiritual coach who comes out of the Christian mystical tradition within an animist framework. Mary holds a BA in English Literature; Masters in Theology & Culture with a focus in Eco-Theology and Eco-Psychology from The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology; post-graduate certificates in Ecology & Religion from Yale’s School of Forestry & Religion; and EcoPsychology and Advanced Applied Mythology from Pacifica Graduate Institute; and has completed the three-year cycle of School of Celtic Consciousness with John Philip Newell. She has received training through Animas Valley Institute in the Way of Council and Art of Mirroring. Mary has contributed with SDI (Spiritual Directors International) through their podcast series, webinars, and conferences bringing eco-spiritual companionship into the conversation. She is a trained urban naturalist and Forest Steward through the City of Seattle’s Green Seattle Partnership. Learn more about Mary.

“As an eco-theologian and spiritual ecologist I understand how the stories we tell about the Sacred impact how we understand ourselves and our place in this world. When stories and cosmologies are told that continue to perpetuate our separation from our home planet, we will continue to be estranged, acting out in dominion and oppression. The emerging field of eco-psychology affirms that our holistic wellness is inherently connected to the wellness of the more-than-human world. The exciting intersection of this work is the deep looking into our personal stories and narratives of the Divine, and finding how the threads weft and weave through the lands of our ancestors, the trees of our childhood, and the rapidly changing environments of our present lives. How can we change our stories of disconnection into profound belonging? How does this narrative work impact radical social and cultural transformation? How will the Sacred Wild re-member yourself to your soul and the very soil of your life? A new story of reconnection, often discovered through a Wild Soul Guidance relationship, will strengthen one’s relationship with the natural world in profound and unexpected ways.”

Wildwood Sisterhood webpage image(s) used under license from Shutterstock.com.

Nathalie Thai/Shutterstock.com